October 9, 2012

Nature Songs - 2 New Demos

I've been working on both of these songs for awhile now and I've made some revisions. So, here are some rough recordings of what they've developed into.

White Pine

My brother told me all about the white pine blister rust
and he said the bark beetle's bite hurts like hell
Well, I'm just as tall and I'm just as rough
and any chance I stood sat down when he fell

So I count the witches brooms and the bloody needle tips
and the sum comes up at the end of each damn day
but my mama told me once with time between her lips
that everything is nothing but change

So, I will go...

I hate the sound of a slap laid down from the lightening on a mountain's face
but the scar speaks for the flash in a sacred moan
that there is beauty in what is brief and even more in what we waste
like the blue in a sea of black that lives alone

So when it's my time to fall, to bleed, and to break
I only ask you one simple thing:
don't say it was enough or that I've gone to a better place
just hold your head in your hands and let regret sing

Oh, let me go.
If I could I would stay right here.
Oh, let me go.

And though futile my fight might feel
I've still got to try while I've still got time
to make it all a little worth while.

Evergreen Wolf Song

If you can feel my beat rock your ribs, my tongue and teeth comb your winter coat
then hold your head beneath and whisper with the earth stuck in your throat
into my withered ears the sound of your howlin' tears singin' softly
and I will call the moon to tug your tide and make you high when you think of me.

And I'm gone but you've still got me
as long as you think of me as home.

Out on the outskirts, while I feigned to follow father's verse, you waited for me
and now I wait for you up above in the seed at the edge of the limb of the evergreen
and when the forest burns the flames will cast a killing curse and we will finally fall
into the ash and dust 'til the spring reigns over us and we can let our roots crawl.

And I'm gone but you've still got me
as long as you think of me as home
and even though I'm feelin' the ache of change
I know that without it things would stay the same

And now I wait for you up above in the seed at the edge of the limb of the evergreen.

September 23, 2012

New Song - My Vow

Just completed the first draft of this one. It's for my lovely wife, Hailey.

I pressed the black ink down onto the page
Old words from a pen of such a young age
They were written for you on our wedding day
and spoken for all to hear

I stood before myself in a three-piece suit
trying to look like the guy who should be with you
but I ran into some problems, I found quite a few
I spent some time looking in the mirror

I know I'll never be the man you want
but I hope that you can love me while I try
'cause even though, no doubt, without me you'd be fine
If you didn't have ribs to hold your heart
I'd give you mine

The weather's been rough but the work's been good
There's been bad overlaid but we've understood
And I've done you wrong like you knew I would
You've shown your love the most

Do you remember that night when the storm came through?
It shook the house and shook me, too
I cannot believe I did that to you
I thought I'd lost us both

I know I'll never be the man you want
but I hope that you can love me while I try
'cause even though, no doubt, without me you'd be fine
If you didn't have eyes to see your worth
I'd give you mine

August 30, 2012

Say Hello to "Honey"

A couple posts previous to this, I showed you my new banjo. Well, here she is again after some customization. Gave her a tattoo and a homemade, braided hemp strap. I've decided to call her Honey. Ain't she a pretty skin-bellied lute?

New Song - Rough Draft 2

Alright. Here's a small update on the new song I'm working on: the second verse has been revised. I couldn't really get into the first draft of it, so I made some changes. The song still has no chorus or definite structure, but y'know, every bit of progress is neat to share. Let me know if you like it better. Thanks!

August 28, 2012

I Got a Banjo!

This past weekend my wife and I went to Portland to see the Avett Brothers at Edgefield Amphitheater--and I ended up getting a banjo at Trade Up Music! It's a basic entry-level, 5-string Fender--nothing fancy--but it was set up pretty well by the guys at the music shop, so it's pretty comfy and playable. It's just what I'll need for basic songwriting and recording. Can't wait to take it to the studio!

Photo by Hailey Roberts

August 15, 2012

New Song - Rough Draft

This is a rough draft of a brand new song. I've been tapping away at it for most of the summer, and it's just now getting to the point where I'm comfortable sharing it. It doesn't have lyrics for the chorus yet, so in this recording I just fill the space with vocalization. Let me know what you think. Thanks!

My brother told me all about the white pine blister rust
and he said the bark beetle's bite hurts like hell.
Well, I'm just as tall and I'm just as rough
and any chance I stood sat down when he fell.
So I count the witches brooms and the bloody needle tips
and the sum comes up at the end of each damn day,
but my mama told me once, with time between her lips,
that everything is nothing but change.


I don't like the way it sounds and I hate the way it tastes
but when the words roll off my tongue I know they're true:
"There is beauty in what is brief and even more in what we waste"
Why else would it hurt so bad to gain and lose?
When it's my time to fall, to bleed, and to break
I only ask of you this one simple thing:
don't say it was enough or that I've gone to a better place
just pour beauty from your eyes and let it sing.


August 3, 2012

Studio Results - Linguis Faveamus

Hello, all. I'm excited to share the partially-completed recording of Linguis Faveamus! I went into the studio a few days ago, sat down to record it, and realized that I was NOT impressed with the incompleteness of the middle portion. So, after a little bit of thought, I added some lyrics--and I'm pretty happy with the result. Additionally, I tried a new method while recording the guitar; the song starts out with one guitar and then splits into two as the song picks up pace. Basically, both guitar tracks are the same, but with very subtle variations between them. Nothing too obvious, just some added notes here and there to build a bit of complexity. (It's more noticeable with headphones.) More will be added later, but here's what I've got so far. Enjoy!

I wish that all this love could flow right out of me and gather in your eyes where you could cry it
and I'd hold onto you just like you'd hold on to me and it'd soak into my shirt and we'd get quiet.

A silence would fill the air and we would breathe it in and the two-tone perspective-ness would vanish
but as it is right now I don't think that will ever be, and the frustration is so I barely stand it.

So to reverse all the ruckus I sit here and I write, hoping all these sensations will soon fade
but the more I pen, the more I feel I've set it down in stone and the wish that I recite takes on a cold weight.

I wish that all this love could flow right out of me and gather in your eyes where you could cry it
and I'd hold on to you just like you'd hold on to me and it'd soak into my shirt and we'd get quiet.

July 28, 2012


So, I've been thinking about how this summer has gone so far--and it's kind of bumming me out. Don't get me wrong, it's been a wonderful summer, but I haven't gotten nearly as much recording done as I'd hoped. BUT, looking on the bright side, the slower-than-expected pace of this project is definitely worth it. The quality of the recordings and the knowledge I've gained from working with new and better equipment has given me more than enough to stay motivated. Additionally, the summer isn't over yet! I can still get a lot more done before I start school again in September. If things work out the way I'd like them to, I'll have plenty of material recorded to keep me busy editing during the school year. I just need to stay patient and keep making progress.

More in a few days!

July 25, 2012

Studio Results - We Sink Into Our Stomachs

Well, I went to the studio today and recorded the vocals for We Sink Into Our Stomachs. All together with guitar tracks, there are 19 tracks for this one. I still haven't added violin, percussion, or possibly banjo yet. And then I still need to record all the odd noises that create the environment for the end of the song. So, it's got a ways to go, but this is where it's at for right now.

July 20, 2012

Studio Results - Cry Out to Kin

As planned, I went to the studio today. The goal was to finish up the first stage of recording for Cry Out to Kin and then start in on We Sink Into Our Stomachs. I can happily say that I accomplished said goal. So, here's the first-stage result of Cry Out to Kin. Keep in mind it hasn't been mixed yet--it's too quiet, muddy, and unbalanced, but with a little imagination you can see where it's headed. (In fact, if you compare this recording with the one on the Music page, you'll see what I mean.) It's going to be worlds better than my humble home recordings. Anyway, before I start the mixing process, the only thing left to do is record the violin, and I'm hoping to have that done before the end of August. So, let me know what you think. Thanks!

July 19, 2012

Quick Update

Went to the studio today. Worked on Cry Out to Kin and made some really good progress. Got all the vocal tracks laid down. It doesn't sound like it, but there are a lot of vocal tracks in that song:

Main Vocals
Main Vocal Harmonies
Background Vocals 1 (doubled for effect)
Background Vocals 2 (doubled for effect)
Oohs and aahs
Oohs and aahs harmonies

All together, that's 8 vocal tracks. Granted, some of them are the same thing twice for effect, but it all takes time--so I'm counting them. Anyway, it was a good day in the studio. Tomorrow I'm going back and hopefully I can start in on another song. I'll post an mp3 of what I accomplish, if possible. For some reason making mp3s is a struggle for the studio computer. So, we'll see.

July 13, 2012

Getting Into It

Well, I've been into the studio a few times this week and I've made some slow but good progress. I'm learning that--for myself, anyway--it's quite psychologically challenging. Playing through a simple guitar track is suddenly a mission to get to the end of the song without any noticeable flaws in the performance. Which means playing in time with a metronome and knowing where you are in the song without the guidance of lyrics--all while maintaining the emotive dynamics you'd play to accompany those lyrics.  Not quite the mental workout I'm used to while playing a song.

Let me tell you about yesterday's session: I spent 3 hours in the studio and reaped only a single guitar track for the latest version of Cry Out to Kin. I am proud of it, though (I think it may be the closest thing to "perfect" that I've done thus far) and working at one thing for that long taught me quite a bit about how I function while recording. If I've got the right mindset, things go a lot smoother. They'd probably go even smoother if it weren't so hot outside. Even though the studio is air-conditioned, unless I want clanky buzzing fan noises in the background of every track I record, I have to turn the cooling system off. So, it gets muggy in there; my hands get sticky and playing the guitar becomes ten times harder. At one point I had to tape my bracelet over the string pins of my guitar because my palm was making clammy clicking noises every time it touched them.

Anyway, even though it's been difficult it's also been really exciting. I feel like things are gaining momentum and it's really nice to be going through my material again and freshening it up. Eventually I'll post some of what I've recorded, but I'm going to wait until I've got something more developed to share. Right now, most of it is just better quality versions of what I've already posted on the Music page. But there are exciting things to come. I've added piano to The Rest and I'm pretty stoked about how it's sounding so far. 

More updates soon!

June 18, 2012

"Jeremiah" Revamped

I've been working on this song off and on for two or three years now, and I feel like it's finally starting to come together. The verse is what it was originally, but the chorus and the little change-up that starts with "and when you sleep" is all new. What I really like about this one is that--because it took some time to complete--I was able to write from two perspectives. Those two perspectives being Me Then and Me Now. So, the way it turned out, Me Now is addressing/speaking to Me Then with a somewhat foretelling tone coming through in the chorus. And that's something I've never really done before. Anyway, this is a rough demo I put together tonight and I wanted to share. Let me know what you think. Eventually I'll take it to the studio, but I'm going to let it sit for awhile so I can be sure it's how it needs to be.

Jeremiah told me a story all about what's in you
the battle between your head and heart and how you didn't think that you could see this through
and all the things you know you knew weren't true.

Now I've been reading old classics, bestsellers, and things everybody's read.
I flipped through Fitzgerald's Gatsby, I found your description and there it said
that your life is more of a pink and less of a red.

Someday you might find there's more to say
than what your tongue and teeth can put in place
and when it comes you'll feel you've fallen far away
from where you thought the world got its grace.

Now, companions are friends, friends are neighbors, and neighbors keep you in their sights.
They become violators, voyeurs who just want to read everything you write
and the thought of their thoughts on your thoughts keeps you up at night.

And when you sleep
you walk among the words that they read.
The ones you loved and tried to keep,
but now they're dark and turned to bruises that you dream

Someday you might find there's more to say
than what your tongue and teeth can put in place
and when it comes you'll feel you've fallen far away
from where you thought the world got its grace.

June 16, 2012

Up and Running Again

Alright. So, a few posts ago I mentioned that the studio I'm using to record during the summer was having some technical issues--and it still is, but not as many as before. Which means that my recording project is possible again! Last night I took a little time to start in on a re-recording of The Rest (see music page for demo) and I'll be going back tomorrow to continue. I'd actually already re-recorded it in the studio closer to the end of the school year, but ProTools had a nervous breakdown and literally told me in an alarming pop-up message to PANIC... and I lost everything I had. It was by far the best recording of The Rest I've ever done, but I'm pretty confident I can do it again. We'll find out soon.

I'm totally stoked to get back into the studio.

June 1, 2012

New Ideas

Although my time in the studio has yet to really kick off, I promised--as mentioned in my last post--that my summer would be full of creativity and musical mindfulness. And I'm proud to say that so far it has been.

I went on a quick trip to McCall, Idaho with some friends this past weekend and it really loosened up my writing mind. I've been jotting down ideas since and the other night I started putting together a new song. I'm not sure if it will go anywhere, but I like what I've got so far. Here's a quick recording of the basic idea. Let me know what you think. It could go anywhere at this point. Thanks!

May 19, 2012


Well, so far my summer has been nice. I've caught up on sleep, spent some time with friends and family, and acquired a very cuddly kitten. So, things are going well. But the main goal of my summer is basically to record the shit out my songs! That being said I will now update you, dear reader, on the status of said goal.

The studio I'm using has some kinks that need to be worked out in order for me to take full advantage of it. Unfortunately, my lack of knowledge in regards to studio software and computers makes me completely reliant on others to work out those kinks. So, I'm a little worried about my plans... because if those kinks don't get worked out, I'll be severely delayed.

Nonetheless, I'm going to have a musically-geared summer--and I'm already off to a good start. Last night I made some progress with my newest "Evergreen Wolf Song" and I think it's just about finished. But, we'll see. I tightened it up and added some more build with lyrics to the end. Next, I'm going to plan its "construction" or what the final recording should sound like and stuff. I'll record a demo of what I come up with and post it for you to hear and critique. So hang tight until then. Thanks!

Also, on a less musical note (haha) here's a picture of our new kitten. I can't help but share.

May 8, 2012

Evergreen Wolf Song

Alright, here is the super rough version of the song I posted lyrics for yesterday. I kind of feel like it needs something more climactic toward the end. Or something. It just feels like it's missing something. What do you think? Not quite there?

May 7, 2012

Lyrics of Song in the Works

More/updated lyrics for the song I'm working on. I'll try to have a rough recording of it posted within the next couple of days. So, stay tuned. I've been working on these for awhile, so let me know what you think. Thanks!

If you can feel my beat
rock your ribs, my tongue and teeth
comb your winter coat

then hold your head beneath
and whisper with the earth stuck in your throat

into my withered ear
the sound of your howlin' tears
singin' softly

and I will call the moon to
tug your tide and make you high when you think of me.

Out on the outskirts
while I feigned to follow father's verse
you waited for me

and now I wait for you
up above in the seed at the edge of the limb of the evergreen

and when the forest burns
the flames will cast a killing curse
and we will finally fall

into the ash and dust
'til the spring reigns over us and we can let our roots crawl.

And I'm gone
but you've still got me
as long
as you think of me
as home
where we can carry on.

May 4, 2012

"Like Him, Like Me" Now Available on Music Page

I've held back from putting up too many songs on this blog for various reasons, but I decided that I want to put this one up. It's one of my favorite songs to play and share with people, so it just makes sense that I post it. It's called "Like Him, Like Me." It's an older song I wrote in high school--sophomore year, I think. Once I get around to recording the final version, there will be drums and bass added in. Anyway, listen and let me know what you think. And feel free to download anything on the Music page.

May 1, 2012

Studio Practice - Results

Went to the studio for a bit today to fool around with stuff and get better acquainted with ProTools. This was what came of it. Enjoy.

April 28, 2012

Patio Song - Results From Thursday

I made it to the studio on the 26th like I'd hoped, and I told you I'd share what came of it, so here it is. Take a listen--but keep in mind, this is ground-level, raw, nothing-special stuff. All I got to record (due to delays) was a few tracks and not all of them were exactly keepers. So, this is just two tracks: one vocal, one guitar. Basic, but you'll get the idea. Also: Feel special if you want--this is the first recording of this song to ever be done. Not many have heard this one. So, let me know what you think.

April 23, 2012

It's been too long...

Going to the studio needs to be a regular thing. But because of school and work it has been... well... I don't know. Probably a week or two since I've recorded. SO I'm going to go to the studio on Thursday (4/26) and at least get a piece of something done. If possible, I will do what I can to share with you the results of my Thursday session--though it will likely be incomplete. But hey, it's still worth getting excited about, right? Eh? We'll see how it goes. Stay tuned!

April 17, 2012

Subscribe To Marcus Eugene Music

I realized today that I have no easy way for people to follow updates to my blog. So, I added an RSS feed. If you'd like to have your Google, Yahoo, NetVibes, or NewsGator accounts directly connected to Marcus Eugene Music, then choose an option from one of the dropdown menus under "Subsribe To Marcus Eugene Music" on the right-hand side of the blog page. This will allow you to see when I've posted something new without having to check for yourself. Bam: easy peasy.

April 13, 2012

Lyric Revision

Still working on the new song I posted on the 10th. I've revised the lyrics and the next step will be to add more. And eventually I'll give the music more structure and build. In any case, this is what I've got so far...

If you can feel my beat rock your ribs, my tongue and teeth comb your winter coat,
then hold your head beneath and whisper with the earth stuck in your throat
into my withered ear the sound of your howlin' tears, singing softly,
and I will call the moon to tug your tide and make you high when you think of me.

Once I've got more worked out with the structure of the song and more lyrics, I'll do another rough recording. But, I'm feeling pretty good about these 4 lines--so I wanted to share them.

April 10, 2012

New Song Experiment

This is a song I'm working on. Recorded at home. It's completely unfinished but I tried a funky pitch-splitting type of recording with two guitars just to see what it would sound like. Not sure if I'll record the final version like this.

April 3, 2012

Music Page - Free Downloads

Just a quick note: I now have demos available for free download on my Music page courtesy of SoundCloud. So far there are 6 songs up and more will come in the future. Feel free to leave comments/questions/suggestions/critiques--they're only demos, so I appreciate any feedback you have to offer since I plan to re-record most of them. Thanks.
(To download a song, select it and click "download" in the top right-hand corner of the player.)

March 31, 2012


It's been a long time since I've actively shared my music with anyone. I had this idea in my head that I didn't want to give things out for free since I was planning on eventually compiling an album to sell at gigs and things. But, y'know... that's not the point. I make music to share it. That's not to say that I won't sell my album once I've finally got it put together--but I've just changed my outlook. I'd love to make money with my music eventually. But I can't ever hope to do that if I don't share what I make with people. So, since that is the heart of the whole process, I'm just going to share. And if that gets me where I want to be--where people actually want to support my continuing efforts--then I'll start thinking about money. Until then, it's about the music.

That being said, this blog is meant to be my little corner of the web that is completely dedicated to my music and the things I do to further its creation. I'm determined to make music a daily piece of my life--because that's what I've always wanted and I realized that I don't have to be touring or playing in a band or selling CDs for that to be a reality. Music is part of who I am and it deserves healthier attention than I've been giving it. So, I'll be posting updates as my recording process takes place. I'll have demos, pictures, stories, and hopefully some video, too. I may not have an album yet--but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy getting there. Life's a process, not an outcome. And that seems worth wanting, too.